Sunday 4 December 2011

Hugh Jackman told me to do it!

Every year on January 1st we all convince ourselves that we will change.
We change our eating habits, our socializing habits, spending habits, improve our good bits and stop our bad bits. I can understand why people use this date to reinvent but there is no reason why we cannot change at anytime.I am doing just that. I am eating correctly, I'm going to be more active mentally and physically.
I am going to lose weight, (two stone) I am going to put myself out more, I will start to perform my poetry live and I will get my book published, who knows I may even stop biting my nails.
I have just returned from New York and I feel inspired thanks in part to Hugh Jackman, we watched his show on Broadway and he was all about the 'Can do' attitude. If its good enough for Wolverine than its good enough for me. I don't know if I will succeed in any of these goals but I have changed my mindset to a 'have a go' attitude and 'If you don't have a go then you'll never know'
So join me, lets see whats happens, set your own goals x
Current weight at the moment according to Wii : 98kgs 15st 7lbs
Favourite thing at the moment: New York (still) and Hugh Jackman